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Pet-friendly priorities for commercial flooring

Pet-friendly priorities for commercial flooring

From traversing the aisles of big-box retail outlets to sleeping soundly on the floors of local cafés, there is no denying the influx of furry, four-legged patrons in modern commercial environments. According to a survey conducted by The American Pet Products Association in 2018, pet ownership stands at approximately 68% of all U.S. households. The resulting trend has consumers gravitating towards businesses that cater to their canine companions.

Selecting the most effective flooring surface is the foundation of designing pet-friendly interiors. Sharp nails, shedding and the occasional “accident” can negatively affect multiple flooring types. Simultaneously, your selection should offer plenty of comfort underfoot to both your guests and their animals. The following are pet-friendly priorities to consider for commercial flooring.

Pet-friendly priorities infographic Download the pet-friendly priorities for commercial flooring infographic