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The Agricultural Research Institute in Guadalajara, Spain was being modernised and refurbished, presenting a unique challenge to the designers on how to upgrade the 70-year-old building while maintaining its traditional Spanish character. The overall goal was to enhance energy efficiency and redesign spaces for new functions, including research and development.
The Research Institute wanted to create welcoming and healthy interior spaces, while ensuring the integrity of the building’s fabric and design. Disruption and odours needed to be kept to a minimum, and the floor had to provide thermal insulation, ensuring energy efficiency and interior comfort for staff and visitors. To address these complex needs, DUNAR architects opted for an adhesive-free floor which had enhanced cleanability, making it ideal for the busy spaces where disruption needed to be minimal and with no associated adhesive smells during installation.
Tonal and modernist Altro Cantata adhesive-free was selected for the Research Institute spaces, helping to revitalise them and making them easy to keep clean, maintain and more aesthetically appealing. The adhesive-free floor also met the current sustainability and environmental standards, reflecting the Research Institutes commitment to an environmentally responsible development.
Altro Cantata adhesive-free is a tonal and modernist, adhesive-free floor that creates maximum impact with minimum downtime. It is ideal for busy public spaces where disruption needs to be minimal and has no associated adhesive odours. Using our award-winning adhesive-free installation method, it can be welded and walked on the same day, and at the end of its life can be removed easily, allowing it to be reused or recycled.
With Altro Cantata adhesive-free we achieved a fast installation that reduced the carbon footprint, allowing for full recycling of the floor at the end of its life, reflecting our commitment to sustainability.
The new floor not only enhances the space’s aesthetics, but its ease of cleaning facilitates maintenance in high-traffic areas, which is crucial for the institute’s efficient operation.