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Altro Symphonia

Industry-leading commercial performance is now yours with Altro Symphonia. Reengineered with Altro ShieldTec and Altro Easyclean for revolutionary stain, chemical and abrasion resistance. Ideal floor for healthcare and meets ISO Class 4 cleanroom requirements.


Technical summary

Type of product:Roll
Slip resistanceR10
Life expectancy:15 years
No. of colors:36
Weight:4.79 lbs./yd² | 2.6 kg/m²
icons.10_yr_warranty_us icons.R10 icons.Easyclean icons.Low_VOC icons.Altro_ShieldTec

Carbon calculator

Enter your project size. If you have chosen a product which requires adhesive, the total embodied carbon value will include adhesive and DPM. We will show you if we have an adhesive-free alternative product and what carbon saving you could make by choosing an adhesive-free alternative.

Current product
Embodied carbon per m²
Total embodied carbon
Altro Symphonia
5.728 kg CO2e

Total carbon saved
0 kg
Equivalent to the volume of carbon emissions absorbed by 0 trees per year
All embodied carbon data is taken from Altro product specific EPD or industry generic EPDs from A1-A3

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Technical details

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Now with industry-leading commercial performance

Customer favorite, Altro Symphonia, has been re-engineered to deliver industry-leading commercial performance. Featuring a revolutionary new stain-resisting technology, Altro ShieldTec, teamed with our tried-and-true Altro EasyClean you can now expect unmatched stain resistance, chemical resistance, abrasion resistance, and exceptional cleaning performance.

Our palette now features a range of stylish colors reflecting contemporary trends and diverse interior design needs from across the globe. Its smooth surface with a subtle sheen provides a beautifully finished installation. But don’t let Altro Symphonia’s delightfully smooth appearance fool you! It delivers all the performance you would expect from Altro including exceptional sustained slip resistance, industry-leading durability, and a 10-year warranty.

A lasting attractive appearance free from stains and wear, low maintenance costs, bridging the gap between smooth and slip-resistant flooring, and the confidence to install the lightest of colors in any situation are now possible with Altro Symphonia.

We recommend Altro Symphonia is paired with Altro Whiterock to create seamless and hygienic interior surfaces that withstand the test of time and impress day after day. Also try pairing with 2mm Altro Wood, Altro Tegulis, and Altro Whiterock PopArt!

Altro suggests that customers perform a comprehensive stain evaluation using anticipated cleaning products and cleaning procedures used within their facilities prior to choosing and installing Altro Symphonia

  • Hospitals
  • Operating rooms
  • Patient rooms
  • Lobbies
  • Senior living communities
  • Education
  • Retail
  • Cafés
  • Offices
  • General front of house and multi-purpose areas